George W. Taylor (Philadelphia)

Address: Northwest corner Fifth and Cherry Street, Philadelphia (discontinuous, likely close to where the National Constitution Center is now)

Items Advertised: Fine 4-4 Prints (various styles), new styles of prints of medium quality (usual width), paper muslins (fine and wide), colored and striped cambrics, curtain calico, chintz umbrellas (superior fine), oil cloths, satinets, ginghams (various qualities and styles), shirting (fine and heavy), sheetings, pillow muslins, 6-4 Plaid muslin (fine), muslin de Laine (plain and neatly figured, all wool), linens (warranted free from cotton), rlannels 4-4, canton flannels (white and colored), table diaper and cloths (different styles), apron and furniture check, cotton handkerchiefs, cotton twilled pantaloon stuffs, linen drilling, long and half Hose (fine and heavy), knitting cotton, various Nos. (bleached, brown, and colored), wadding (white and colored), Cotton Laps.

Refined Loaf, Crushed, and Pulverized Sugar. Brown Sugar (good quality, of various grades.)