Elizabeth Kent (Pennsylvania)

Address: From Andrew's Bridge to "near Penn's Grove meeting-hous, in Upper Oxford township, Chester county; five miles from the former place" (likely 725 Penns Grove Road)

Items Advertised: Unbleached and bleached shirting muslins, of good quality. Manchester ginghams, of twelve different patterns, from 25 to 37 1-2 cents per yard. Canton flannel, white and colored; wadding, white and colored; table diaper; checks; bed ticking; knitting cotton; wickyarn. Calicoes, of large and small figures. Hose, white and mixed. Manchester stripes, for men's wear. Blue and white drilling. Cotton umbrellas. Cassimeres, sattinets; flannels, white and colored; green baize. Good assortment of merinos, and rattanets. Irish linen, grass cloth, linen handkerchiefs, (white and figured,) long lawn, linen sheeting, and diaper. Home-made striped linen for pantaloons. Tow cloth for bags. Black and white crape; gauze, and blonde. Silk shawls, dress'kerchiefs, colored and white cashmere, figured black silk, valentia vest patterns, silk bombazine, Ribbons, sewing silk, and silk braid of all colors; saddler's silk; hair nets; silk mohair. Linen tapes and braids. Thread of all qualities and colors. Needles, pins, and buttons.

Groceries, chocolate, tea, spices, raisins; Laguira, Java, and St. Domingo coffee. Free sugar, molasses, and candy. Liquorice. Candles and oil; painter's oil; segars of best dry tobacco, made from Pennsylvania leaf. Thomsonian, and other medicines. Brushes, for sweeping, dusting, whitewashing, painting, and clothes. Bedcord, twine, and shoe thread. Shoes, for men, women, and children. Glass, china, queensware, earthenware, and tin. Tools. Shovels, scythes, nails, screws, knives and forks, curry-combs &c &c. Boilers, furnaces, pots, pans, kettles, smoothing-irons, &c. &c. Ready-made clothing, for men, women, and children, constantly on hand, and made to order.